Health, Nutrition & Population Sector
Light House has adopted Health, Nutrition and HIV perspective as a strategic guide for program development in different sectors directly targeting poor distressed, disadvantaged, and vulnerable and MARPs spread over the country. Light House want their improved living conditions in social, economic and cultural context. Light House would reach its vision through increased access of the target communities to public and private services in the three interconnected areas of Heath, Nutrition and HIV being a crosscutting area. These intervention areas will be considered as a core sector Till 2015. This strategic preference will be used for increasing access to health services considering the context of health in Bangladesh including MDGs and PRSP’s objectives. The main objective of the health strategy is to reduced health risk for improved quality of life and livelihood for MSM, Hijra, female sex workers, IDU, PLHIV adolescents and pregnant women, extreme poor etc.
Governance & Justice Sector
All human being have the right to live with dignity at all times, regardless of their legal, social or political status. Human rights are not gifts to be bestowed at the whims or fancies of anyone or a privilege, an act of grace or charity. Equity and justice are at the heart of all human rights. Living with dignity and without fear are basic human needs. It includes all fundamental rights as per Bangladesh Constitution, such as adequate food, safe water and health, fair treatment, congenial environment under the law, a shelter, etc. From a basic human rights perspective, all people are entitled not to starve, not to suffer from preventable disease, to have opportunity to better their economic condition, to have access to knowledge and information, and to decide on anything that affects their life. Policies and programs, which rest primarily on a perception of need and powerlessness, subtly reinforce the powerlessness of the recipients who are seen as being given justice rather than as receiving their rights. The recognition of entitlement is in itself an act of empowerment. Recognizing the fact that each and everyone are entitled to rights constitutes the crucial step towards self-development. The ability of the poor and marginalized to break the veils of oppressive fear and injustice is the key to any process of socio political and economic empowerment. This process of empowerment requires a rights based perspective and to create an enabling environment for people to realize their own potential to change their lives. The key deliverables under this strategy are – defending human rights in general, legal aid, case management, referral, mediation, mass awareness, situation monitoring and documentation, counseling, rehabilitation, rescue, repatriation, integration, survivors support, local level and policy advocacy etc
Poverty Reduction & Sustainable Livelihood Sector
This strategy articulates the implementation arrangements of Bangladesh country and local contexts depending on the needs of disasters affected and vulnerable communities across the country. Light House envisages utilizing the guiding principles for the implementation of the national disaster risk reduction strategy reflecting the local context and types of disasters and its impact of people’s life and livelihood. The key areas of attention are – 1) creating mass awareness on saving lives and property during a man-made or natural disaster, 2) Helping people to save their lives and property during a disaster extending emergency relief, rescue , curative care etc, 3) Delivering long-term rehabilitation program and 4) Developing and Replicating Sustainable models for greater safety and resilience
Environment & Climate Change Sector
Light House has adopted Health, Nutrition and HIV perspective as a strategic guide for program development in different sectors directly targeting poor distressed, disadvantaged, and vulnerable and MARPs spread over the country. Light House want their improved living conditions in social, economic and cultural context. Light House would reach its vision through increased access of the target communities to public and private services in the three interconnected areas of Heath, Nutrition and HIV being a crosscutting area. These intervention areas will be considered as a core sector Till 2015. This strategic preference will be used for increasing access to health services considering the context of health in Bangladesh including MDGs and PRSP’s objectives. The main objective of the health strategy is to reduced health risk for improved quality of life and livelihood for MSM, Hijra, female sex workers, IDU, PLHIV adolescents and pregnant women, extreme poor etc.
Organization’s Capacity Building
It is very important for Light House to secure that it has the capacities to address the above mentioned program priorities. In this regard, Light House considers the Organizational Capacity, as a sector, under this SP, with an aim to maintain overall ability/potentials of Light House to perform functions, solve problems and manage objectives in a sustainable manner. Considering the current situation of the organization, for reaching the mentioned goal of the sector, Light House identified four (4) major challenges i.e. i) ensure quality service delivery; ii) making best use of human resources; iii) mobilization of financial resources; and iv) Persuasion of strategic interests through meaningful networking.