light house

Poverty Reduction & Sustainable Livelihood

Climate Change (CC) is a serious threat not only for Bangladesh but also for the globe that makes it difficult for the human society as a whole to balance the need of the present generation without compromising the prospects of future generation. CC has its multi-faced effects on many areas. The GoB, in its 7th FYP mentioned that a rise in both sea level and frequency of cyclone-storms due to the escalating atmospheric temperature is likely to have grave food and energy security consequences, which will also facilitate different types of diseases and frequency of other natural calamities. The issue of environment is closely related to CC and any initiatives under the first impacts on the later. Similarly, in managing CC the relevant actions influences the natural environment. Therefore, LH addresses these interlinked issues under one sector with an aim to ensure environmental sustainability while effectively coping with natural disasters and climate change effects.

Considering the situation of the constituents, for reaching the above mentioned goal of the sector, LH identified five (5) major challenges i.e. i) Climate Change Adaptation (CCA); ii) Climate Change Mitigation (CCM); iii) Control of environmental pollution; iv) Management of Natural Resources; and v) Conservation of biodiversity. Under this SP, LH will initiate the following strategic interventions for overcoming the above challenges.

  • Enhancing understanding, knowledge, and capacity of the constituents and other stakeholders, and coordination among all relevant stakeholders, to prepare for CCA.
  • Encouraging community participation to provide a platform for their voices regarding Implementation and Monitoring of GoB initiatives for CCA and Shared learning
  • Confirming active participation of local community, particularly of women, in the environment conservation activities through mobilization, capacity strengthening and linking with relevant GO-NGO institutes and programs.
  • Strengthening community managed early warning systems regarding cyclones, storm surge and floods to enable more accurate forecasts
  • Increasing mass awareness on the issue of Low Carbon Development (LCD) and encouraging energy saving practices.
  • Encouraging large RMG and textile manufacturers to tap into multilateral expertise and funding to switch to cost-effective production that reduces energy costs.
  • Influencing legislature for reviewing the existing tax and tariff structures to better manage energy demand; and to formulate appropriate LCD strategy.
  • Raising mass awareness on and mobilizing social campaign against industrial pollution.
  • Introducing Community based pollution control enforcement mechanism, in collaboration with the GoB.
  • Undertaking initiatives for Recovery and Destruction of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s) & redundant pesticides; and promotion of integrated pest management (IPM) with environmental awareness, education and behavior change.
  • Encouraging and supporting enterprises in urban areas in management of solid and liquid waste.
  • Raising awareness among and mobilizing community for combating filling up of water body / ponds; promoting homestead forestry with horticulture; and protecting common property resources (ponds, beels etc.) in rural areas.
  • Reducing dependence of the constituents on groundwater by promoting harvesting and conservation of rainwater.
  • Strengthening community managed afforestation /reforestation / plantation initiatives in partnership with appropriate authorities, with emphasis on multi-purpose native trees.
  • Increasing local people’s meaningful & informed participation in all forest development activities; and promoting practices of integration of tree plantation and crop cultivation.
  • Engaging local community, actively, in plantation of fast growing native tree species along the roads and embankments, and on marginal and follow lands, with Short/medium rotation.
  • Raising mass awareness for Protection and restoration of endangered and threatened species.
  • Influencing legislature for enactment of an appropriate law on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity